Color postcard of a street scene in winter, Hollywood, California, 1906

Color postcard of a street scene in winter, Hollywood, California, 1906This colorized (probably by hand) postcard is captioned “Street scene in winter, Hollywood, Cali” which reads suspiciously like a piece of boosterism propaganda designed to tempt people from back East who are stuck under feet of snow and days of blizzards all winter to think about maybe coming West for an easier life. It also gives us a glimpse into what Hollywood looked like in the early years before those loose-living motion picture people invaded what had been an upright, alcohol-free, God-fearing community. As for those trees, a landscape friend of mine said he thinks they’re California pepper with fake red flowers painted in. So even the trees here are fake!

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2 responses to “Color postcard of a street scene in winter, Hollywood, California, 1906”

  1. Jim Lewis says:

    Yes, Hollywood used to be “peppered” with pepper trees. They were doing some sort of damage and taken out. I can recall there were still two of them on our street, along with several jacaranda trees.

  2. Rich says:

    With every new phenomenal Hollywood picture you post, Martin, I keep pushing back
    the Tinseltown age in which I wish I was born. If this is 1906, I wish I was born there in 1890, so I could enjoy the this flowering of the city in the flower of my youth.

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