Vista as seen looking west from the Hotel Hollywood, Hollywood, 1906

Vista as seen looking west from the Hotel Hollywood, Hollywood, 1906If we had been in Hollywood in 1906 and stood on the balcony of the 3-year-old Hotel Hollywood and looked west, this is the pastoral vista we would have taken in. It’s a long way from the hustle and bustle of today, isn’t it? The white house in the foreground was on what used to be called Olive Drive, but by 1913 had been renumbered and renamed to 1735 Orchid Avenue. An apartment building is there now but at the time it belonged to Hollywood realtor Charles Lippincott was was one of first Hollywood’s show places. I’d love to have seen inside.

An closer photo of the Lippincott house:

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3 responses to “Vista as seen looking west from the Hotel Hollywood, Hollywood, 1906”

  1. Rich says:

    I love these pictures. L.A. was about as close to heaven as you could get. Judt dreamy

  2. Robert Stoddard says:

    The house on the right with the domed tower still stands; today it’s the
    headquarters of the Cinematographers’ Guild. Love your photo blog
    so much– Thanks, Martin!

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