Looking past the Hollywoodland sign on the Hollywood Hills to Burbank in the San Fernando Valley, circa 1924

Looking past the Hollywoodland sign on the Hollywood Hills to Burbank in the San Fernando Valley, circa 1924In this aerial shot of the Hollywoodland sign, we can see the farmland of Burbank in the San Fernando Valley on the north side of the Hollywood Hills. This was taken circa 1924, so the sign would only have been around a year old and Burbank was still mainly farms. Someone has thoughtfully inscribed the name of the streets. Directly above the ridge, where we can see Olive and Alameda is where the Walt Disney studios are now.

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One response to “Looking past the Hollywoodland sign on the Hollywood Hills to Burbank in the San Fernando Valley, circa 1924”

  1. mark says:

    Love aerial photo of Burbank, 1924. I grew up in Burbank on Brighton st. You can see Abraham Lincoln Elementary in the photo. Also you can make out the large eucalyptus tree that was on s Brighton by olive ave. I believe that it was one oldest tree’s in Burbank. This photo shows how fast Burbank grew.

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