Shy-Der’s Health Juices, the southwest corner of York Blvd and N Ave 49, Los Angeles, circa 1938

Shy-Der's Health Juices, the southwest corner of York Blvd and N Ave 49, Los Angeles, circa 1938 We tend to think—or at least I do—that health food and healthy eating as more of a modern development, i.e. 1960s and later. The advice of Greta Garbo’s favorite nutritionist, Gayelord Hauser notwithstanding, on the whole I don’t think of people in the 1930s as being particularly health-conscious. What, with all that smoking and drinking and full-cream milk with nary a thought for cholesterol or high blood pressure. So I was happy to find this circa 1938 photograph of Shy-Der’s Health Juices with its great, big carrots on the southwest corner of York Blvd and N. Ave 49, just south of Eagle Rock. The sign even trumpets ‘alkalizing’ as one of the benefits. I wonder if these people did Bikram yoga too

The same view in January 2017:

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