A field of sweet pea located approximately at Sunset Boulevard and Fairfax Ave, Hollywood, 1901

A field of sweet pea located approximately at Sunset Boulevard and Fairfax Ave, Hollywood, 1901These days, the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Fairfax Ave is dominated by two gas stations, so it’s hard to imagine that this very busy, very urban, very concrete-and-asphalt intersection as the peacefully sleepy and pastoral scene shown in this photo taken somewhere near the Sunset/Fairfax corner in 1901. The field that that guy is standing in was apparently filled with sweet pea. I don’t know if fields of sweet pea give off a smell, but I bet it smelled better than it does now! (My thanks to LA Relics for this great photo.)

Sunset and Fairfax in March 2018:

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One response to “A field of sweet pea located approximately at Sunset Boulevard and Fairfax Ave, Hollywood, 1901”


    That house is located where my house is today. Even looks like it, but mine was moved here in 1947 from the Roosevelt Hotel swimming pool area.


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