6285 Rodgerton Dr, Hollywoodland, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920s

6285 Rodgerton Dr, Hollywoodland, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920sThis house at 6286 Rodgerton Dr. stands high in the canyons of Hollywoodland. Judging by that snazzy roadster and yoo-hoo-ing flapper out front, I’d say this photo was taken circa mid 1920s, which means it would have been one of the first houses on the block. It would have been quiet at night with no rowdy neighbors (sound travels up and down those canyons) but who would you have gone to if you needed to borrow a cup of sugar?

That house still stands today! This view was taken January 2018:

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One response to “6285 Rodgerton Dr, Hollywoodland, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920s”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Looks beautiful! Sure would like to see the inside. I see they had to add a retaining wall by the drive way. It also looks like the street is lower than was in 1920s. A bigger slope to the street. Maybe? Great picture.

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