Simpson Furs, southwest corner of 7th and Figueroa Streets, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1933

Simpson Furs, southwest corner of 7th and Figueroa Streets, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1933The southwest corner of 7th and Figueroa Streets in downtown Los Angeles certainly doesn’t look like this anymore. Today it has just another generic skyscraper but back in circa 1933, the corner was occupied by a more interesting two story building that housed a business we don’t see much of any more: a furrier. Simpson Furs boasts that it is the “largest in the world” but biggest what? Showroom? Selection? The size of the coats? That’s quite a claim, Mr. Simpson, although I’m not sure it’s accurate. Its sign also says: “Serve yourself and save money back within 5 days.” I’m scratching my head to figure out how that system worked. If you have any theories, I’d love to hear them.

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6 responses to “Simpson Furs, southwest corner of 7th and Figueroa Streets, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1933”

  1. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    Presumably, you would pick out your own fur coat without a salesman hovering helpfully. If you didn’t like your choice, you had five days to return it!

    What intrigues me is the bear. I wonder if it was illuminated and animated after dark?

  2. Jerry Jones says:

    I think the polar bear is to represent “cold storage” that’s what you did back then to keep the moths out of you fine furs and other fine garments.This is what all women did up to and including the 60’s and there is still cold storage now but on a much smaller scale

  3. J Yuma says:

    The photographer seems to have been noticed by several folks on the street.

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