Ticket booths at Disneyland, 1975

Ticket booths at Disneyland, 1975Being inside Disneyland these days is still a magical experience. Crowded, yes, but the place still maintains its enchantment, if you ask me. However, getting into Disneyland these days is a different matter. You line up to get into the huge $20-a-day parking structure, then you line up to go through security, then you line up to catch a tram to the entrance, then you line up to buy your ticket, and then you line up to go through the turnstiles. Yeah, it’s a whole thing. So indulge me for a moment while I rhapsodize over this photo from 1975, the year of my very first visit, which shows the cute little ticket booths just outside the main gate. I don’t recall for sure that the lines outside them were made up of nicely dressed people who didn’t try to cut in line, but I like to think that’s what happened here. Also, admission started at $4.50. Right now, the cheapest ticket is $104.

A close up of the ticket prices:

Ticket booths at Disneyland, 1975


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