Aerial view of the Garden of Allah Hotel, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1940s

Aerial view of the Garden of Allah Hotel, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1940sA previously unseen (by me, at least) photo of the Garden of Allah Hotel is always cause of excitement around these here parts. (My thanks to Jerry for sending me this one.) It’s odd that there is neither a car nor a person in this photo. Where was everybody? Maybe it was 7am Sunday morning? At any rate, without a car in sight, it can be hard to pin down a year. All I have to go on is that big tree in front of the main building. In this photo from circa late 1920s – – it barely reaches the roof and doesn’t hide the building. So that plus 15 to 20 years of grown, makes me think this photo is mid-to-late 1940s. If anybody has another theory or observation, I’d love to hear from you.

I had someone on Fiverr color it for me to give us a better idea of how this view would have looked to the photographer, who, I assume, was probably standing on the nearby Chateau Marmont Hotel:

Aerial view of the Garden of Allah Hotel, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1940s (colorized)

Apparently there are a couple of ways to get photos without people or cars: one is to take multiple photos and combine them together, though this would have been much more difficult pre-Photoshop. The other is to take a really long exposure (usually with a neutral density filter) so the moving objects just blur out to be non-noticeable.

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One response to “Aerial view of the Garden of Allah Hotel, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1940s”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Now that’s a “Holy Cow!” moment. Makes the place really look like a resort destination and even highlights that brite white on deep black entry sign. I see one fire hydrant and a free standing mail box across the road which kind of add to the reality of it along with the lamposts.

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