Nighttime view looking west up the Sunset Strip from the Sunset Tower, West Hollywood, circa 1957

Nighttime view looking west up the Sunset Strip from the Braemar Towers, Sunset Strip at Olive Dr, West Hollywood, circa 1957This photo from Life magazine give us a rare bird’s-eye view of the Sunset Strip at night. This was taken circa 1957 from the roof of the Sunset Tower at 8358 Sunset Blvd (back when it was an apartment building; it’s now a hotel.) I love the way pockets of light punctuate the hills above the strip. The building near the center of the photo is the Hacienda Arms Apartments aka Piazza del Sol. It was built in 1927 and are still there, beautifully maintained, and still fighting off the urban legend that it housed a notorious brothel in the 1930s.

The Hacienda Arms Apartments in March 2018:

Hacienda Arms Apartments _ Piazza del Sol March 2018

For more info on the Hacienda, see Out of the Ashes


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