A steam shovel grades the summit of Mt. Lee, Hollywoodland, circa 1925

A steam shovel grades the summit of Mt. Lee, Hollywoodland, circa 1925I always assumed that the top of Mt Lee, where the Hollywood sign sits, was naturally flat but that wasn’t the case. Mt. Lee had a peak until the early 1920s when the Hollywoodland real estate development gave comedy mogul Mack Sennett the idea to build a massive estate on the top of the mountain, where he bought an 18-acre parcel of land. So in this circa 1925 photo, we’re seeing a steam shovel shearing off the top of the mountain to prepare a level ground on which Sennett could build his dream home. Unfortunately for Sennett, he lost all his dough in the stock market crash, so that was the end of that.

Here is a concept drawing of Mack Sennett’s proposed mansion atop Mt Lee, Hollywood. What a view he would have had!

Concept drawing of Mack Sennett's proposed mansion atop Mt Lee, Hollywood

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4 responses to “A steam shovel grades the summit of Mt. Lee, Hollywoodland, circa 1925”

  1. Brian Watts says:

    Great story, thanks for sharing

    Enjoy all of your stories

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