Art Deco building housing the Hollywood Lighting Fixture Company, 662 N. Western Ave, Los Angeles, circa 1929

Art Deco building housing the Hollywood Lighting Fixture Company, 662 N. Western Ave, Los Angeles, circa 1929I do love me some Art Deco so if the exterior of the Hollywood Lighting Fixture Company at 662 N. Western Ave is anything to go by, I would have been a regular customer. The caption for this photo said that it was a business originally formed by a few creative designers on March 9, 1929 so I’m guessing this photo was taken right after then because everything looks pristine. The chandeliers in the window don’t look particularly art-deco-y but that signage alone would have drawn me in.

The Los Angeles City Directory of 1942 shows them at 662 N. Western Ave, Los Angeles:

LA City Directory, 1942

David says: “The 1929 building depicted as it looks today is actually the one next door, not the colorful one. At some point, the owner extended the roof and added a usable second story with windows. The decorative pillars remain, but, like many buildings in LA, were re-plastered either as a “modernization” or after an earthquake or other damage. The address change is explained either by the 1945 street standardization ordinance, or, more likely, by the property’s subdivision into two or more smaller businesses.”


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7 responses to “Art Deco building housing the Hollywood Lighting Fixture Company, 662 N. Western Ave, Los Angeles, circa 1929”

  1. David R. Ginsburg says:

    The 1929 building depicted as it looks today is actually the one next door, not the colorful one that is featured. At some point, the owner extended the roof and added a usable second story with windows. The decorative pillars remain, but, like many buildings in LA, were replastered either as a “modernization” or after an earthquake or other damage. The address change is explained either by the 1945 street standardization ordinance, or, more likely, by the property’s subdivision into two or more smaller businesses.

  2. J Yuma says:

    Here’s a page showing some of the products available in the Hollywood Lighting Fixture Company with photos taken by Mr. Maynard Parker.

    Included in the set is photo of a mystery location previously featured here on these very pages.

  3. This in general made my day!!! why?? I used to work for this company back in the 70’s when I joint this company back in 1970.The company was purchased by ELA Co. back in 1978. I was 19 year old when I start working with them and believe it or not, I’m still working with ELA , this year I completed 51 years and have no idea when to quit. I’m the only survived person still working from the original co established back in 1929!! meet the original owners!!
    We still have in our property all the original shop drawings, line drawing and hundreds of beautiful color rendering and keep producing custom fabrications of any imagination.

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