Looking north up Main Street, Los Angeles, California, circa 1882

Looking north up Main Street, Los Angeles, California, circa 1882It looks like traveling up Main Street, Los Angeles in the early 1880s was a piece of cake. The street was wide with lots of room for everybody’s horses and carriages on their way to perhaps make a deposit at the Farmers and Merchants Bank or visit friends who have just checked into the Cosmopolitan Hotel. One store that caught my eye is on the right: Bright’s Cheap Store. Is that the 1880s equivalent of the 99 Cent Store?

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One response to “Looking north up Main Street, Los Angeles, California, circa 1882”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    The building with the towers on the right is the Baker Block. It was taken out in the 1940’s. The site is now the Downtown Slot where the Hollywood Freeway goes through left to right across this view. The Plaza is in the background.

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