Grauman’s Chinese Theater showing “The Racers,” Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, February 1955

Grauman's Chinese Theater showing "The Racers," Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, February 1955I love how the lights of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre throw a golden glow across a nighttime Hollywood Boulevard. This photo was taken in February or March 1955—that’s when Twentieth Century-Fox’s “The Racers” played Grauman’s. I’m surprised it lasted three weeks there because the picture was a huge and expensive flop. Maybe it’s because studio chief, Darryl Zanuck, foisted his … let’s be kind and call her his “protégé” … Bella Darvi on Kirk Douglas. I haven’t seen the movie so I’m not saying she was the reason why it flopped but I doubt she out-acted Douglas, Gilbert Roland, Cesar Romero, and Lee J. Cobb.

UPDATE – Robert Cullen says: “The back story is great. Fox wanted to get rid of all the used race cars. A guy wanted to buy one for $10k but Fox said, “No. All or nothing for $200,000.” He bought the lots and the cars ended up being worth many millions. The three drivers Douglas, Roland, Romero were pretty great.”

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2 responses to “Grauman’s Chinese Theater showing “The Racers,” Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, February 1955”

  1. Denise Shelton says:

    If not Bella, the plot gets my vote for why it failed. She’s a ballerina and he’s a race car driver whose bizarre “meet cute” involves her poodle causing a wreck at the racetrack. That and the fact that Kirk Douglas is playing an Italian. Kirk was good but not that good.

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