One-story building advertising Universal Pictures’ movie “Broadway” on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood, 1929

One-story building advertising Universal Pictures’ movie “Broadway” on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood, 1929The northwest corner of Hollywood and Vine has been many things, but in the 1920s, Carl Laemmle, who owned Universal studios also owned the one-story building that stood there. In 1932, he opened the Coco Tree Café, but before that it looks like he used it as an expensive billboard. This shot from 1929 is advertising his “all talking, all singing, all dancing” movie, “Broadway.” Based on a hit stage play that ran for more than 600 performances, it also featured at 2-strip Technicolor finale.

This is the movie’s poster:

"Broadway" movie poster, Universal Pictures, 1929

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4 responses to “One-story building advertising Universal Pictures’ movie “Broadway” on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood, 1929”

  1. Love the artwork on that poster.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    Looks like the words “Fountain” and “Ice Cream” on that window sign behind the gentleman.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    The name “Cross Key Cafe” was found on a map of known businesses on the street. But here we can read “Cross Keys Fountain”. So, can we make it an official reference name? Anyone find that smoking gun evidence on some lost ephemera?

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