Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood, 1923

Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood, 1923In this shot from 1923, we’re looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Cahuenga Blvd. I love those streetlamps – they really add an elegant feel to the street. One of the signs advertises a “Dairy Lunch” which I had to look up. Merriam-Webster says “a restaurant specializing in simple dishes made from dairy products.” I guess that means cheese omelets and milk shakes? I also love that vertical sign in the foreground: “Majestic Bowling and Billiard Academy.” I wonder how much lessons were.

The listing for the Majestic Bowling and Billiard Academy in the 1923 Los Angeles City Directory. It looks like they had another “Academy” on Main Street in Downtown LA:

The same view in February 2018:

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