Miracle Mile Easter Parade traffic heading west along Wilshire Blvd at Kenmore Ave, Easter Sunday, April 13, 1941

Miracle Mile Easter Parade traffic heading west along Wilshire Blvd at Kenmore Ave, Easter Sunday, April 13, 1941With bumper-to-bumper traffic inching its way along Wilshire Blvd, you’d think this photo was taken in 2019, not 1941. I doubt that Wilshire often saw traffic like that but this was taken on Easter Sunday in 1941 following the Miracle Mile Easter Parade. Look at all the people gathered outside the Gaylord Hotel and Apartments wearing, I assume, their new Easter bonnets. Tucked out of sight past the palm trees was the Brown Derby which, I also assume, was doing a roaring trade that day. A year after this photo was taken, America was in the war and so with gas rationing, I doubt this stretch of Wilshire looked the same.

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2 responses to “Miracle Mile Easter Parade traffic heading west along Wilshire Blvd at Kenmore Ave, Easter Sunday, April 13, 1941”

  1. Jim Lewis says:

    Look at that big Cadillac attempting to pull into traffic on Wilshire – good luck!

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