The New England train station from “Now, Voyager” transformed into Paris station in “Casablanca” summer 1942

The New England train station from "Now, Voyager" transformed into Paris station in "Casablanca" summer 1942Ah, the magic of Hollywood. This photo shows the Paris railway station set used for the filming of Casablanca during the summer of 1942. (As in “We’ll always have Paris.”) In the upper left corner, we can see the rafters of the soundstage in the Warner Bros. lot where the railway station stood. Ironically, it had just been used in the Bette Davis tear-jerker, Now, Voyager when it was a New England train station. Add a couple of signs saying “Paris” and another one listing French towns like Lyon and Marseilles, splash some water around, and hey presto, it’s now Paris. Look at the clapboard on the ground and how it spells the title of the picture in two words: “Casa Blanca.” I wonder at what point did someone realizes the city is spelled as one word.

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