Color photo of the Brown Derby restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1969

Color photo of the Brown Derby restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1969We’re not often treated to a color photo of the original Brown Derby restaurant, the one actually shaped like a derby that stood at 3377 Wilshire Blvd opposite what was then the Ambassador Hotel. I wouldn’t have expected the neon sign to be pink but this photo was taken in 1969, so maybe that’s a touch of the 60s we’re seeing. The sign out front reads: “Continental cuisine. Open 11am to 2am. Steaks, prime rib, seafood. Complete dinners. Open Sundays 4 – 12” Does anybody want to join me there for a complete continental dinner? Shall we say next Sunday at 7?

The same view in April 2019:

At least they call it the Brown Derby Plaza, so that’s something:

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7 responses to “Color photo of the Brown Derby restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1969”

  1. fame says:

    …is the neon sign really pink, or is it due to the film temperature?
    whatever the reason, I would be ready to join you!

  2. Michael Bershad says:

    I don’t know if it’s still there, but about 25 years ago I ate at a Philippino restaurant on the 2nd level, and above it was the actual Brown Derby (or so they told me).

    • That was the shell of the Brown Derby, so technically you’ve eaten there, Michael. But no, I don’t think the Philippino restaurant is open anymore.

      • Michael Bershad says:

        I’m not surprised, Martin. It wasn’t that great anyway. But I had just gotten back from making a movie in the Philippines so I was interested to see if it measured up to the food I’d eaten there.

  3. Eleanor Demler says:

    I ate lunch at the Brown Derby in 1960 when I was 4 years old, with my mother and our housekeeper. We walked in and were seated just inside to the left, at a square table with a thick white cloth. Nice ceramic plates were used, and I had my first stuffed bell peppers, two to a plate. I loved them, but have never had one since, thus the memory is clear. Our housekeeper was born in 1894, and had raved about having been several times to the original Brown Derby. We were instead in the second Brown Derby, built in 1936. I looked online at vintage lunch menus, but couldn’t find one offering stuffed bell peppers. Fond memory. What child could ever forget having lunch in a large hat!

    • Hi Eleanor – thanks for stopping by and sharing your memories with us. the LA library’s website has an extensive menu collection. I wonder if you’ll find those stuffed peppers there?

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