The Owl Drug Co in the Hollywood Professional Building, 7046 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, July 2, 1941

The Owl Drug Co in the Hollywood Professional Building, 7046 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, July 2, 1941This Owl Drug Company drug store was in the Hollywood Professional Building at 7046 Hollywood Blvd, on the corner of Sycamore. (This building is still there.) I don’t know which I like more: the pattern in the pressed metal grill above the sign, the two-toned car parked out front (is it a taxi?), or the sign on the far left saying “Kodaks Developing and Printing.” (Remember those days?) This photo was taken on July 2, 1941. Six months later, the people shopping inside would be dealing with the aftermath following Pearl Harbor.

Daniel N says: “The car is a ’39 Ford Standard V8 police pursuit car (note red spotlight on the front door pillar) with the seal of Los Angeles on the door.”

The Hollywood Professional Building in April 2019:

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5 responses to “The Owl Drug Co in the Hollywood Professional Building, 7046 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, July 2, 1941”

  1. Matt says:

    At first glance, with the instinct logo on the driver’s door, thought it was a police car. After looking close, think confirmed with the red(?) light to the front of the driver’s door, just below the bottom of the windshield wiper. Also guessing no civilian would leave the front passenger door open with no one inside the car!

  2. Robert A Danford says:

    I dont remember if it was the Owl or Rexall Drug diner where three customers the Cook and a waitress were all found shot to death? Didn’t get to know much from the Hat Squad. If you didn’t have 10 years on the job you didn’t have an opinion, least nobody wanted to hear it!

  3. Annicka says:

    Hey I’m a resident at 7046 Hollywood and I’ve been researching my building. Pretty sure this owl drugs was on Vine and Hollywood not Sycamore, as that does not look like my building and most resources say there was an Owl Drugs on Vine

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