Christmastime on Hollywood Blvd. near Vine Street facing west, circa 1950s

Christmastime on Hollywood Blvd. near Vine Street facing west, circa 1950sOnce upon a time in Hollywood, the city used to decorate Hollywood Boulevard with large metallic trees high on top of poles. They would light up at night and transform the street into what was known as “Santa Claus Lane.” Those trees changed from time to time. This shot looking west from around Vine Street was taken some time in the 1950s, when the trees were painted white to look like they had snow on them because, as Irving Berlin and Bing Crosby taught us, we’re all dreaming of a white Christmas.

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2 responses to “Christmastime on Hollywood Blvd. near Vine Street facing west, circa 1950s”

  1. Jim Lewis says:

    I recall, as a little fellow, watching workmen install those metal trees. They came in halves and were secured to the light pole and then the two halves were clamped together.

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