Orchestra playing the Hollywood Bowl in 1927

Orchestra playing the Hollywood Bowl in 1927I couldn’t find much information on this night shot of an orchestra playing on the stage of the Hollywood Bowl. But what I do know is that we’re looking at the second incarnation of the bowl. The first version wasn’t successful, aesthetically or acoustically, and only lasted one year. In 1927, Lloyd Wright (son of Frank Lloyd Wright) designed a new pyramidal-shaped bowl and that’s the one we’re seeing in this photo. Visually, it’s quite arresting and apparently it was the most acoustically successful of the bowls—perhaps because of that enormous flattened dome suspended above the musicians. But it was considered a little too avant-garde and was replaced two years later by the famed concentric circles.

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2 responses to “Orchestra playing the Hollywood Bowl in 1927”

  1. What a shame it was replaced. Lloyd Wright was a major force in architecture and deserves crediting without the “Frank Lloyd Wright’s son” added on. If you haven’t seen his Wayfarer’s Chapel in Palos Verdes, you should!
    I was married there in 1966. It is even more beautiful today.

  2. J Yuma says:

    A view of 4 differnt versions of the shell in the 20’s.


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