The first Los Angeles Times Building at Broadway and First Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1886

The first Los Angeles Times Building at Broadway and First Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1886This is one of the earliest photos I’ve ever posted. It shows us the Los Angeles Times building at Broadway and First Street, downtown Los Angeles before it gained its iconic tower, and before the whole thing got destroyed by a bomb in 1910 (which, I imagine, kinda put an end to the building’s nickname: The Fortress.”) But back in 1886, which this shot was taken, it housed what would have back then have been a modest paper for a modest town. I doubt that any of the Angelenos captured in this photo would ever have guessed that their home town would become the behemoth it is today.

The rebuilt LA Times building in 1926, now with its tower.

Los Angeles Times Building with its tower, at Broadway and First Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1926

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3 responses to “The first Los Angeles Times Building at Broadway and First Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1886”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    The second photo from 1926 shows the building that replaced the first building which was totally destroyed in the bombing and subsequent fire in 1910. It opened on the original site two years to the day after the bombing. It in turn was replaced by the 1935 Times building at First and Spring (which the Times left recently for El Segundo).

  2. Darrell Kunitomi says:

    Nice shot, but that’s the 2nd LAT bldg., the first being a two story brick bldg at Temple and New High.

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