The Cream Can dairy café, Los Angeles, California, 1928

The Cream Can diary café, Los Angeles, California, 1928I couldn’t find out where the Cream Can was located other than it was somewhere in Los Angeles. This photo was taken in 1928, when L.A. was still fairly sparsely populated, so it’s fairly likely that this miraculous building really stood out. From what I can see, it served all things dairy: ice cream, buttermilk, cottage cheese, milkshakes. I have another photo (see below) that shows a sign that it also sold orange juice and root beer. I don’t know that a dish of cottage cheese goes well with root beer, but it case that was your thing, the Cream Can was the joint for you.

The Cream Can diary café, Los Angeles, California, 1928

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10 responses to “The Cream Can dairy café, Los Angeles, California, 1928”

  1. tref says:

    A thing of beauty. Great find. Happy New Year!

  2. Gordon Pattison says:

    The hills in the background look like the Verdugo Hills, so the may be the Valley.

  3. Yvonne says:

    Hi I have the original picture hanging in my kitchen I have had it for about 8 years I’m shocked to see the picture in this article 11/29/2021

  4. Mo says:

    Not from LA however could the address possibly be 1411 east side?

  5. keith orgeron says:

    2 different years for photos??? Look at the name in both pictures. Different???

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