Mule-drawn watering carriage wets down Hilgard Ave in Westwood near UCLA campus; circa late 1920s

Mule-drawn watering carriage wets down Hilgard Ave in Westwood near UCLA campus; circa late 1920sHilgard Ave in Westwood is the main thoroughfare that makes up the eastern border of the sprawling campus of UCLA. But back when this photo was taken, it was an unpaved country road that, going by this photo, was watered down by a mule-drawn carriage. UCLA moved to what was then called the Wolfskill Rancho in 1929. So I assume those buildings in the background are the first UCLA buildings (i.e. Royce Hall), which puts this photo at very late 20s/very early 30s. I’m not sure why Hilgard was in need of watering down but I’m guessing that with UCLA in the ‘hood, the city was anticipating that the streets would only get busier and busier. And they were right.

Hilgard Ave in May 2019:

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4 responses to “Mule-drawn watering carriage wets down Hilgard Ave in Westwood near UCLA campus; circa late 1920s”

  1. The watering down maybe preparation for paving.

  2. Matt says:

    Hilgard was and (I think) remains sorority row.

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