Blossom Room, Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, California, circa 1929

Blossom Room, Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, California, circa 1929On May 16, 1929, members of the newly convened Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gathered in the Blossom Room at the Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Blvd for the first Academy awards ceremony. Douglas Fairbanks presented each of the awards to the winners, which had already been announced in the press. This photo of the Blossom Room wasn’t taken that night, but it was circa 1929, so this is how that historic space looked at the time. That night, the room was lit by Chinese lanterns and each table was decorated with candles and candy replicas of the gold statuette. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.

Advertisement for dancing to Henry Halstead’s Orchestra in the Blossom Room at the Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood:

Advertisement for dancing to Henry Halstead's Orchestra in the Blossom Room at the Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood

This is how the Blossom Room currently looks:

Blossom Room, Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood

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