Looking west on Hollywood Boulevard from Vine St., Hollywood, circa 1923

Looking west on Hollywood Boulevard from Vine St., Hollywood, circa 1923In this shot, we’re facing west along Hollywood Boulevard in 1923. On the lower left side is the southwest corner of Hollywood and Vine. This is before the landmark Broadway Hollywood building went up in 1928, so it’s a little disorienting at first glance. The largest building in this photo is the Guaranty Building. It’s on the corner of Ivar Ave and it’s still there and looks pretty much as it does in this image, including that huge sign on the roof. These days, it reads “SCIENTOLOGY” because that’s who owns the building now—which is why it’s still in such good condition, as is every building they own on Hollywood Boulevard.

The Guaranty Building in April 2019:

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One response to “Looking west on Hollywood Boulevard from Vine St., Hollywood, circa 1923”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Hollywood Playhouse is already up by signage, giving not earlier than dating here. Auto Park on NW corner sat below new (1925?) post office building. Perhaps at this point one could access via the rear if that arrow means anything, but the PO was later extended further back beyond the original seven windowed sides and that could have cut off access. Taken altogether, maybe a few years on around 1926-7?

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