Looking toward the Hollywoodland gate, Beachwood Drive, Hollywood, circa mid 1920s

Looking toward the Hollywoodland gate, Beachwood Drive, Hollywood, circa mid 1920sWe’re looking north into the Hollywood hills from Beachwood Drive, which is the main road into Hollywoodland. These two decorative stone structures marked the gateway into the development, which began in the early 1920s. The famous Hollywoodland sign went up in 1923 to advertise it because sales were slow at first. It seems nobody wanted to live in them thar hills! I’m guessing that this photo was taken in the mid 1920s by which time the first few houses had started to appear. But as we can see by the empty land behind the tower on the right, Hollywoodland still had a lot of vacant land to fill.

The same view in November 2017:

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2 responses to “Looking toward the Hollywoodland gate, Beachwood Drive, Hollywood, circa mid 1920s”

  1. Rich Ramsey says:

    If I remember correctly, in the current photo, there is a little breakfast cafe on the left side of Beachwood Drive just around the bend. I used to frequent the restaurants on Franklin south of Beachwood– and believe it or not– EVEN had breakfast (mid-1990s) at the famous 1930s restored Scientology “Celebrity” Center Hotel on Franklin. My girlfriend and I were guided through rooms of people hooked up to E-meters and others relaxing in steam rooms, and eventually up to a hotel suite party where people were celebrating something. We started to mingle among the champagne-addled celebrants, before a couple “guys” demanded of our guide what the “hell” we were doing. A quick apology, and we were gone, but you can’t do
    better than a Scientology-guided tour of a amazing 1930s landmark. BTW, at no time were we pressured into any Scientology “programs.” Lucky us.

  2. Rich Ramsey says:

    Just a clarification– the breakfast my girlfriend and I enjoyed at the Celebrity Center was months AFTER our nighttime guided “party” tour. Question: when was the last time you were waited upon for breakfast by a White, 30-something waiter? Answer?
    Probably NEVER. But the Scientologists have a deep bench… if you acquire my drift.

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