Hollywood Boulevard looking west from Vine Street, Hollywood, 1937

Hollywood Boulevard looking west from Vine Street, Hollywood, 1937In this photo, we’re looking west along Hollywood Boulevard just east of the Vine Street corner. On the left we can see a sign for Dodge cars. On the right is the Pantages Theatre. It’s still around and today is a major live theater venue, especially for the big musicals that come to L.A. But back then it was a movie palace. What I find interesting is the huge vertical sign: “MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW TONIGHT.” I thought those previews were always sneak previews but I guess not. This photo was taken in 1937 so now I’m wondering which movie it was. Heidi, starring Shirley Temple? A Day at the Races starring the Marx Brothers? Broadway Melody of 1938 starring Half of MGM’s stars?

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2 responses to “Hollywood Boulevard looking west from Vine Street, Hollywood, 1937”

  1. Are you planning to publish a book about all of these unique places in LA? There was certainly enough of them.

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