Color photograph of Hollywood Blvd Red Car, location and date unknown

Color photograph of Hollywood Blvd Red Car, location and date unknownAs much as I wish L.A. still had its extensive network of Pacific Electric Red Cars, I don’t know that I’d have enjoyed living in either of these two buildings that backed right onto the Hollywood Boulevard line. The residents would have had to endure the regular sound of a streetcar shunting along right outside their window from early in the morning until well into the night. On the other hand, it would have made for a convenient way to get into Hollywood or downtown Los Angeles. And the people in the white building got to live with a turret, so there’s something to be said for that.

The location and date of this photograph is unknown so if anyone out there recognizes either of these buildings, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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4 responses to “Color photograph of Hollywood Blvd Red Car, location and date unknown”

  1. tref says:

    Beautiful photo. I will attempt to ‘enter’ the photo “Somewhere In Time” style later in the afternoon, and if I am successful, I will let you know in re: to your questions.

  2. JA says:

    The building in the background appears to be the one presently at Serrano and Loma Linda Ave.

  3. Ralph Cantos says:

    This photo looks north-east just west of Hawthorne Ave. The PE car is just about to cross Vista St. heading towards Sunset & Gardner St and on to Beverly Hills. This line was abandoned on Sept.24, 1954.

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