Aimee Semple McPherson’s home, Lake Elsinore, California, circa 1930

Aimee Semple McPherson's home, Lake Elsinore, California, circa 1930Apparently, it pays well to spread the good word. This is a circa 1930 shot of the 4,400-square-foot Moorish Revival castle on Lake Elsinore (southeast of Los Angeles) that Aimee Semple McPherson built as a retreat in the late 1920s. At the time, she was a very popular and influential Pentecostal evangelist and media celebrity, and famous for her Foursquare Church in the Echo Park area of Los Angeles. McPherson lived in what became known as “Aimee’s Castle” until 1939. In the 2000s it underwent a complete restoration by Foursquare International, a modern incarnation of McPherson’s Foursquare Gospel. The L.A. Times did a story on it which has some rather fabulous photos of how it looks now:

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