Aerial view of Los Angeles Central Library, downtown Los Angeles, circa mid to late 1920s

Aerial view of Los Angeles Central Library, downtown Los Angeles, circa mid to late 1920sHere we have an aerial view of the Los Angeles Central Library, downtown L.A. (or as the neatly typed caption says an “Aeroplane view.”) Someone has written “New Library” which indicates this photo is from the mid to late 1920s because the building opened in 1926. Next door, is the Bible Institute (famous for its large “Jesus Saves” neon sign), which is no longer there, and behind it is the Biltmore Hotel (still there) and the Biltmore Theater (now the site of an office tower designed to blend in with the hotel.) From the surrounding view, we can see that downtown L.A. was still relatively low-rise. These days, of course, the Biltmore is lost in a jungle of skyscrapers.

More or less that same view in 2020:

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