Entrance gate to Disneyland in 1965, when parking cost 25 cents

Entrance gate to Disneyland in 1965, when parking cost 25 cents.This photo shows us the relatively plain and unadorned entrance to the parking lot at Disneyland. In 1965, when this was taken (Disneyland was only 10 years old at the time), parking cost 25 cents. Today, it costs 25 dollars. If you look closely, you can just make out the Matterhorn underneath the “A.” I’m writing this on March 29, 2020, when Disneyland, like all theme parks in America, is closed down because of the Covid-19 coronavirus. So right now, the entrance to the Disneyland parking lot is as bare and forlorn today as it looked back then.

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2 responses to “Entrance gate to Disneyland in 1965, when parking cost 25 cents”

  1. Ed Steffen says:

    I like the picture. The entrance is the Katella entrance used during summer and Holiday seasons.The Main entrance toll plaza off Harbor Blvd faced West Street and the Disneyland Hotel.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    How cool would it be to come home and find this at the end of your driveway?

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