Aerial shot looking west along Wilshire Blvd to the Town House Hotel and Bullocks Wilshire department store

Aerial shot looking west along Wilshire Blvd to the Town House Hotel and Bullocks Wilshire department store Ordinarily, I’d be looking at a shot like this one, looking west along Wilshire Blvd to the Town House Hotel and Bullocks Wilshire and I’d be thinking “Oh my, look at how light the traffic is along Wilshire!” But I’m posting this during the Covid-19 lockdown, during which the traffic along Wilshire is probably even lighter than this. I’m guessing it was taken during WWII, when gas rationing was in effect. Most of the traffic is heading east into downtown Los Angeles, so this is probably what morning peak hour looked back then, as, in fact, it probably does right now.

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4 responses to “Aerial shot looking west along Wilshire Blvd to the Town House Hotel and Bullocks Wilshire department store”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    And look at the beautiful residences still in place on Wilshire.

  2. Carole Talaway says:

    I used to work right across from their back entrance to the parking lot. I liked spending my lunch time looking at their collections of glassware and trying on hats.

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