Looking north from the corner of Rossmore and Rosewood Avenues toward Hollywood, 1925.

Looking north from the corner of Rossmore and Rosewood Avenues toward Hollywood, 1925.In this photo, we’re looking north along Rossmore Avenue as it makes that curve to the right before hitting Melrose Ave and becomes Vine Street. At first I thought the shot was taken from the roof of the El Royale Apartments but this is from 1925 and the apartments didn’t go up until 1929. That large block of empty land will soon become home to the Ravenswood Apartments (opened 1930.) The building with the round turret is the Christ the King Catholic church, which is still there. And in the far distance, we can see the Hollywoodland sign and the Mulholland Dam, both of which were fairly new in 1925.

Christ the King Catholic church in May 2019:

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2 responses to “Looking north from the corner of Rossmore and Rosewood Avenues toward Hollywood, 1925.”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    The white downstream face if the Mulholland dam shows quite prominently in this photo. Following the failure of the St. Francis Dam, the face of the Mullholland Dam was covered with earth and planted with vegetation in the 1930’s to bolster it and to screen it from view.

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