Entrance to the Ambassador Hotel, 3400 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (undated)

Entrance to the Ambassador Hotel, 3400 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (undated).This shot of the entrance to the Ambassador Hotel at 3400 Wilshire Boulevard is undated and without a car in the frame, it’s hard to pinpoint when it was taken. But in a way, it doesn’t really matter because the entrance to the hotel remained largely unchanged. That tall, white column alerted drivers that they had found the place and sculpture of woman at its based greeted customers from 1921 to 1989.

The hotel’s site is now home to the Robert F. Kennedy Community School. You can’t easily see it because of all the trees that now line that section of Wilshire. This image is from May 2019:

Here is an auto-colorized version, which I think does a pretty good job of what it was actually like to drive up to the hotel:

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4 responses to “Entrance to the Ambassador Hotel, 3400 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (undated)”

  1. Manly shore says:

    Thank you. It bring back many fond memories of coconut Grove and good times there. M. Shore

  2. Carole Talaway says:

    My parents were friends with Hal Borne, Tony Martin’s accompanist & arranger. We were feted at the Coconut Grove for his show. It was my 10th birthday & Mr. Martin brought me up to the stage where he seranaded me with a song that I don’t recall today. In later years I went to the Grove for other occasions including a Supreme’s show.

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