The new Hollywoodland sign in the Hollywood Hills, circa 1925

The new Hollywoodland sign in the Hollywood Hills, 1923The Hollywoodland sign up the top of the Hollywood Hills looks freshly made and freshly painted, which it would do as this photo was taken in around 1925, not long after when the sign went up in 1923. The Hollywoodland development wasn’t a booming success initially, so I’m guessing that the houses in this photo were among the first to be built. Walking around the neighborhood would have felt like you were roaming open countryside, which, in a way, you would have been.

Mary M says: “These were later houses. Most of the originals were down near the entrance. The first house built on Mulholland was the Kanst house at 6182 Mulholland Highway in late 1924/early 1925. The houses are all still standing, nothing original has been torn down, but some have burned down in fires in 41, 47, 56, & 61. One on the left is 3323 Ledgewood, the others above it leading up to Mulholland, built around 1926.

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4 responses to “The new Hollywoodland sign in the Hollywood Hills, circa 1925”

  1. Rich says:

    This photo– is THE ne plus ultra example a time that will never again be repeated…
    we now live in a horrifacly degraded cultural decline, which endpoint is constantly
    shoved in our faces.

  2. Gordon Pattison says:

    Beautiful new homes. You can almost smell the cut lumber and fresh paint.

  3. Brenda Niell says:

    Oh really my family home in Whittier CA above the college you can almost reach out touch the sign so how do explain that and in 1888 pellisner a live behind the sign and own a lot even all the land where rose hills is today and they owned pellissner dairy farms well what’s your problem tom

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