Women’s Christian Temperance Union Building at Broadway and Temple Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1939

Women’s Christian Temperance Union Building at Broadway and Temple Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1939Six years after Prohibition ended in 1933, the Women’s Christian Temperance Union were still holding firm to their ideal that, as it says on their billboard, “Prohibition: the Best Method Against Liquor Traffic” that stood atop their building at Broadway and Temple St in downtown L.A. To the far right, streetcars are emerging through the Broadway Tunnel that was demolished in 1949 to make way for the Hollywood Freeway. I was surprised to learn that that Union is still around. Sensibly, they appear to have switched the focus of their efforts from alcohol to drugs.

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5 responses to “Women’s Christian Temperance Union Building at Broadway and Temple Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1939”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    I was interested to see the Signal Oil billboard with its semaphore traffic signal logo and slogan, “Go Farther.” They are very familiar from my childhood but have been gone now for many years.

  2. Gordon Pattison says:

    Further perusing the photo, you can see the shadow cast by the Hall of Justice which is on the northeast corner of Temple and Broadway across the street from the WCTU. The Hall of Justice is still there. The WCTU site is now occupied by the LA County Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant.

  3. Patricia Jeanne Davis says:

    I remember going to see relatives in LA when I was 6 or 7 and being amazed at all the wires over head! San Diego had some but never so many. I grew up 14 miles inland from SD. Everybody had a car and the bus was used mostly by old folks. This photo is has a very conested feel to it!!

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