Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, California, circa 1930

Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, California, circa 1930It looks it was a quiet day on Hollywood Boulevard when this photo was taken looking west from the Wilcox Ave corner. I’m guessing it was summertime or the weekend because the guy on the left isn’t wearing a jacket or even a hat, which was de rigeur back then. Mr. Casual is walking in front of a building with the word “ITALY” on the front. I’m guessing it’s a Bank of Italy branch. It changed its name to Bank of America on November 1, 1930, so perhaps this was taken during the summer of 1930. Hmmm, I wonder what was playing at the Iris Theatre half a block away. Maybe that’s where Mr. Casual was headed.

That same view in April 2019 – note how much greener Hollywood Blvd is now compared to back then. So much more shade from the relentless California sun!

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One response to “Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, California, circa 1930”

  1. Alistair Quick says:

    “note how much greener Hollywood Blvd is now compared to back then”

    Maybe they didn’t have the means to water ’em back then, or the inclination to waste it. Looks prettier now though.

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