A Goodyear blimp hovers over Hughes Airport, Playa Vista, Los Angeles, circa late 1940s

A Goodyear blimp hovers over Hughes Airport, Playa Vista, Los Angeles, circa late 1940sOne of these days, I’d love the chance to ride in a Goodyear blimp over Los Angeles. It’s virtually impossible to get a seat on one of those things so I’ll have to make do with photos like this. Here we see the blimp hovering over Hughes Airport (as in Howard Hughes’ private airfield, which was in the Playa Vista area of Los Angeles, just north of L.A. International Airport. The runway was just south of where Jefferson Blvd runs these days.) In this photo we’re looking northeast toward the Hollywood hills. This photo is undated but the best guess is that it was taken in around the late 1940s, which is an even better time to take a ride in a Goodyear blimp, if you ask me.

This map from Wikipedia shows were the Hughes Airport was in current-day Playa Vista:

This map from Wikipedia shows were the Hughes Airport was in current-day Playa Vista:

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2 responses to “A Goodyear blimp hovers over Hughes Airport, Playa Vista, Los Angeles, circa late 1940s”

  1. Carole Talaway says:

    Back in the late 50’s my dad and grandfather took my brother and I on the Goodyear Blimp. The two things that stuck in my mind was the ascending almost vertical rise and the noise of the propellers. Also that my brother cried during most of the trip. It was really thrilling for me as it was my first aerial adventure. I didn’t fly again until my trip to Hawaii in 1968.

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