Looking southeast along Canon Dr toward the Warner Brothers Theater on Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, 1936

Looking southeast along Canon Dr toward the Warner Brothers Theater on Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, 1936In this photo, we’re looking along Canon Dr toward the Warner Brothers Theater with the strikingly ornate tower, on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills in 1932. Nowadays, the street looks nothing like this. That building on the right is a storage facility and Beverly Hills real estate is far too valuable to be used as some place to shove your old furniture. And on the left is an Auburn Cord motorcar showroom. It’s a shame they’re no longer around; they produced gorgeous cars. It’s a shame, too, that the building is no longer with us. It looks like it’d would have been worth keeping.

A closer view of the Warner Bros Theatre at 9404 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills:

Warner Bros Theatre, 9404 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly HillsAnd roughly the same view in April 2019:

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2 responses to “Looking southeast along Canon Dr toward the Warner Brothers Theater on Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, 1936”

  1. PDQ says:

    I think 1932 was the year that the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg dealership opened at Mariposa & Wilshire, across Mariposa from the original Brown Derby and across Wilshire from the Ambassador Hotel. I wonder if the Beverly Hills dealership relocated to Wilshire or if they competed with each other.

    • We don’t think of those two locations being too far apart, but in 1932, I wonder if they would have been considered distance enough to not directly compete with each other.

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