Looking down Bunker Hill along Second Street, downtown Los Angeles, January 1887

Looking down Bunker Hill along Second Street, downtown Los Angeles, January 1887In this photo from January 1887, we can see how steep Bunker Hill was before the city flattened it in the 1950s. We’re looking down Second Street where the streetcars ferry passengers who were, I’d imagine, glad they didn’t have to trudge up that hill. It looks like there’s a sidewalk but the actual street itself is just dirt. So imagine tackling it by foot during the rainy season!

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3 responses to “Looking down Bunker Hill along Second Street, downtown Los Angeles, January 1887”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    That’s the 2nd Street Cable Car which went from Spring Street over to the then new Crown Hill real estate development. It was LA’s first of several cable cars. They were just like San Francisco’s but only lasted a few years.

    • Ah! I wondered if they were cable cars (as against streetcars) in this photo. I figured the photo was taken early enough but am not sure when LA swapped over. Do you know?

      • Gordon Pattison says:

        This one only lasted for about one more year. The one on Temple which went to Angelino Heights lasted until about the turn of the century. Another went to Boyle Heights. I am not sure how long it lasted. Eventually they were replaced by Pacific Electric Street Cars.

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