Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Schrader Blvd, toward the Hillview apartment building in 1930

Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Schrader Blvd, toward the Hillview apartment building in 1930In this 1930 photo, we’re looking east along Hollywood Blvd from around Schrader Blvd. That apartment building on the left is the Hillview, built in 1917 by Paramount’s Jesse L. Lasky and his brother-in-law, Sam Goldwyn. It was the first apartment building to allow those moving picture actors to live in Hollywood, a bold move at a time. Notice that there are no traffic lanes painted along the boulevard, which must have made the prevailing rule: Survival of the bravest.

The Hillview is still there. This image is from April 2019:

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