The Woman’s Club of Hollywood was founded in 1905 by 20 wives, daughters, and sisters of Hollywood pioneers and wasted no time in helping to create the Hollywood Public Library and the Hollywood Studio Club, which gave a home to many hopeful young girls coming to Hollywood to make it in the movies. In 1914, work began on a permanent headquarters at 7078 Hollywood Blvd, where it meets La Brea Ave. I couldn’t find the date it actually opened, but I assume this was taken in the late 1910s. The building is no longer there, but the club is still around today and headquartered around the corner on La Brea.
This is the building that now stands at that address (May 2019):
According to this post by Mary Mallory “The group laid the cornerstone June 3, 1914 per the June 4, 1914 Los Angeles Times. Over 300 members and guests heard Carrie Jacobs Bond sing her world famous song, “A Perfect Day” and hear the High School band perform marches, before all joined in singing “America.”
According to this post by Mary Mallory “The group laid the cornerstone June 3, 1914 per the June 4, 1914 Los Angeles Times. Over 300 members and guests heard Carrie Jacobs Bond sing her world famous song, “A Perfect Day” and hear the High School band perform marches, before all joined in singing “America.”
Another view of the clubhouse:
Located on the SE corner (east of La Brea) just before the electric rail made its’ divergence southwest. Later clubhouse moved up La Brea at Yucca.