The intersection of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave, Hollywood, 1907

The intersection of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave, Hollywood, 1907.jpgThe caption of this photo says that this is the intersection of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave in 1907. We’ll have to take their word for it because I can see no evidence of the Hollywood Hotel, which opened on that corner in 1903. Those look like the Hollywood hills to me, so regardless of whether or not that’s actually the right intersection, this photo does give us a glimpse into what Hollywood looked like in the first decade of the 20th century.

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2 responses to “The intersection of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave, Hollywood, 1907”

  1. swimologist says:

    I can only fantasize what it must have been like to have lived there at this early date.
    The city was your oyster; the future was open-ended; so much was possible for anybody who had a dream and was energetic. What a different world we live in today.

  2. AND if you lived there back then, you would have witnessed first hand Hollywood’s evolution around you.

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