Warner Bros / First National movie studios, Olive Ave, Burbank, California after a snowfall in 1932

Warner Bros / First National movie studios, Olive Ave, Burbank, California after a snowfall in 1932Recently, I was researching how many times it has snowed in Los Angeles, and came across this photo showing a sprinkling of snow across of Olive Ave in Burbank in front of the Warner Bros. studios in 1932. Whenever you see snow at a Hollywood movie studio, it’s fake. Movie snow has been made from different materials over the years, but this is the first time I’ve seen the real thing—at least at a movie studio. And for the record, it has snowed in LA ten times: 1882, 1913, 1921, 1922, 1926, 1932, 1944, 1949, 1957, and 1962.

Roughly the same view in April 2019 (without snow)

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3 responses to “Warner Bros / First National movie studios, Olive Ave, Burbank, California after a snowfall in 1932”

  1. Matt says:

    Once saw a 1932 UCLA yearbook that showed snow on the Westwood campus; with students building snowmen and having snowball fights. Yearbook also commerated Albert Einstein’s visit and showed the women students dressed for formal dances in the most alluring, skimpy, silk dresses that wouldn’t be considered “appropriate” again until the late ’70s! The yearbook cover, at the depth of the depression, is really something outstanding in it’s Art Deco glory –

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