Advertisement for the Garden of Alla(h) Hotel, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles in Film Spectator magazine, June 11, 1927

Advertisement for the Garden of Alla(h) Hotel, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles in Film Spectator magazine, June 11, 1927The central setting for my Hollywood’s Garden of Allah series of novels is a hotel on Sunset Boulevard called the Garden of Allah. For most of its 32-year life, the “Allah” was spelled with an “h” but when the hotel opened in January 1927, it was known as the Garden of Alla because the original owner was Russian actress Alla Nazimova. That spelling didn’t last long, a year or maybe two at the most, so it’s rare to come across an advertisement using the original spelling. This ad comes from the June 11, 1927 of “Film Spectator” magazine, and interestingly it features the swimming pool around which many an outrageous cocktail party unfolded. At this time, Sunset Blvd west of Crescent Heights Blvd was unpaved so, strange as it seems now, there would have been plenty of opportunity for the horseback riding also mentioned in the ad.

My thanks to Philip Mershon’s Attic of Orphan Pictures for this gem. You can check him out at on Facebook at: or on YouTube at Philip Merson.

The text of this ad reads:

Plan to sojourn this summer at Hollywood’s most unique and extraordinary residential hotel and villas.
In the center of activities of the motion picture colony.
Bridge, Horseback Riding, Golf privileges. Dining Room De Luxe.
A luncheon or dinner here will delight your guests.
G. M. BURBANK, Manager
8152 Sunset Blvd
GLadstone 6121

A variation of that ad appeared in the June 25, 1927 issue of “Film Spectator” really pushing the playing of Bridge (which is ironic because that’s not exactly what the Garden of Allah became known for…if you know what I mean…)

Advertisement for the Garden of Alla(h) Hotel, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles in Film Spectator magazine, June 25, 1927

And here is a Garden of Alla Hotel advertisement that appeared in the San Bernardino Daily Sun, June 19, 1927:

Garden of Alla Hotel advertisement in the San Bernardino Daily Sun, June 19, 1927

I don’t have a date on this one, but notice the telephone number has changed to Crestview 3114:

The Garden of Allah Apartment Hotel advertisement

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