Pasadena Presbyterian Church at Colorado Blvd. and Marengo Ave, Pasadena, California, circa late 1800s

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Pasadena Presbyterian Church at Colorado Blvd. and Marengo Ave, Pasadena, California, circa late 1800s (small)What a magnificent sight this must have been at the intersection of Colorado Blvd and Marengo Ave in Pasadena. It was the Pasadena Presbyterian Church, which was constructed in 1888, back when Pasadena streets were still dirt roads. Unfortunately that soaring tower was blown down in a tremendous windstorm in 1898 and replaced by a more modest (and we must assume safer) one. In 1911 the whole building was demolished when the Presbyterians moved to a new church.

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6 responses to “Pasadena Presbyterian Church at Colorado Blvd. and Marengo Ave, Pasadena, California, circa late 1800s”

  1. What a shame. They could have rebuilt the tower even more dramatically, but stronger, and the building could still be there. We don’t learn the importance of preservation easily.

  2. Matt says:

    Incredible such a building survived only 23 years. With such a beautifully detailed exterior can barley imagine what the stunning interior must have looked like. Guess the best way to look at it, is better short term, than never –

  3. Curtis says:

    Are there any interior photos of that church? I remember the building that was destroyed by the Sylmar earthquake in 1971. It was beautiful. I have never cared much for the new one. It doesn’t have the warmth as did the old one. It’s very cold and sterile.

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