Amelia Earhart at Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale, California, June 7, 1931

Amelia Earhart at Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale, California, June 7, 1931Amelia Earhart became famous when she was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928, so it was newsworthy when she landed an autogiro (which is kind of like a helicopter) at Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale on June 7, 1931. At the time she was attempting the first transcontinental autogiro flight from Newark, NJ to Los Angeles, and landed at about 5 p.m. to replenish her gas supply. At the time, Grand Central was a busy and important airport, and due to its eye-pleasing design and proximity to the movie studios, was often used in the movies. It’s where Shirley Temple sang “On the Good Ship Lollipop.” (I guess technically she sang it on an airplane set at Fox, but the plane itself was at Grand Central.)

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7 responses to “Amelia Earhart at Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale, California, June 7, 1931”

  1. Norm says:

    Was that the airport they used fir the rockteer movie

  2. J Yuma says:

    A video of the Sky Queen in her Beech-Nut Autogyro

  3. David Lindsey says:

    I always love the “incidentals” of these wonderful photos you come up with. In this image the man to the left of the screen caught my eye. I blew up the picture to 300% and saw that he’s talking to a man in a suit. He appears to be wearing a suit coat, too, but he’s also wearing short shorts, with a pair of white lace up boots. It’s always good to be reminded that eccentricity is merely an element of human nature, not a phenomenon of modernity.

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