Pacific Electric streetcar outside the Hollywood Hotel at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave, Hollywood, November 1952

Pacific Electric streetcar outside the Hollywood Hotel at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave, Hollywood, November 1952In this photo, we’re seeing a Pacific Electric Red Car heading south on Highland Ave as it passes the Hollywood Hotel on Hollywood Blvd. The shot was taken in November 1952, which means the hotel had less than three years before it fell to the wrecking ball in August 1956. ’56 was also the year L.A. removed the last of its two-light semaphore traffic signals, which we can see to the left of the streetcar. On the far right is a vertical sign I’ve never notice before in other photos of this intersection: OLDSMOBILE.

Roughly the same view in April 2019. At least the church is still there:

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One response to “Pacific Electric streetcar outside the Hollywood Hotel at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave, Hollywood, November 1952”

  1. And the derelict First National bldg at right

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